Benjamin S.
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Benjamin S.


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"Hello, I'm Benjamin a computer science student born in 1997. I have a deep passion for technology and exploring the vast world of coding. When I'm not immersed in the world of computers, you'll often find me engrossed in movies and music, as I love the way they transport me to different worlds and evoke emotions. Additionally, I am a big animal lover, particularly when it comes to pets. They bring so much joy and companionship into my life. As a person, I'm known for my friendly and approachable nature, always ready to lend a helping hand or have an engaging conversation. Currently residing in Rwanda, I'm excited to connect and be a virtual friend to people from various backgrounds. Let's embark on a journey of friendship and shared experiences!"

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Benjamin S. is currently offline.
Kigali, Rwanda
English Near Native/ fluent
French Near Native/ fluent
Kinyarwanda Native
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