Kenny H.
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Kenny H.


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Hello I’m Kenny. I’m a 34 year old man . I’m an automotive technician / owner operator of a small towing business , I mostly do repossessions. I also am a part time dog trainer . I’ve got 3 kids two boys and one girl. I’ve overcome a lot heart ship and struggle in my life, To get to where I am today. I came from poverty stricken family from Iowa . My father was an abusive alcoholic/drug addicted that disappeared before I was five. My mother left alone to deal with raising 7 kids by herself . I has a disregard to authority. That landed me in military school at 14 where I stayed till I graduated . After graduating I was still a minor but during that time my mother had met her now husband of 20 years and decided to move from the town I grew up in . So as an emancipated young adult (16) I was on my own . Witch didn’t last long . 6 months into being on my own. I had an appointment that I could not pay for , reverting to my street like mentality .I mad the decision to rob a pizza delivery man for my past due rent. Little to say that didn’t go well . I was sentenced to 10 years in Iowa state penitentiary with a 70% mandatory . 7 years in prison was long and lots of craziness that was. ( NO I didn’t find religion there I’m not religious at all) I’ve struggled with alcoholism . Drug addiction I’ve lost multiple real good friends I lost my brother My oldest child was kept from me for years I’ve had to deal with that. Basically meeting her for the first time at 6 years of age. Under the watchful eyes of social services. I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. I’ve. Over come alot in my life. Sacrificed so much to start a business , determined not to work for anyone that can fire me at anytime . I’m far from perfect and still deal with much day to day. Im no psych therapist or an inspirational success story . But I’m down to earth . I can relate to alot on different levels. So hey if you wanna friend I’m here to listen , without judgement. I can share my advice or just listen.

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    $0.50 per minute
    #Trucks #Cars Bikes. #mechanic #rescue dogs #Growing up in Iowa in the 90s #Depression #Kids bad behavior #sport bike street racing. #building street bike #Mud trucks
Dubuque , Iowa, United States
English Native
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