Timothy R.
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Timothy R.


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I am a Christian Professional gospel singer( and I am also a voice teacher if anyone wants lessons) that has traveled the world for more than 22 years singing & teaching gospel music. I love different cultures and people and so far I have been to 24+ countries. I speak 7 languages (English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese, Italian & a little Danish) and I dabble in many other languages. I love speaking different languages and tend to learn them quickly so feel free to teach me yours! I recently started my own business as a Christian Life Coach & Consultant. Also for the past 2 years I have been on a Spiritual journey in prophetic ministry( you can read my story on my website). I have dreams and visions that come true and God gives me the ability to interpret dreams not only for myself but also for others (I can also tell if the dream is a message from God or not). I really love God & I really love to help people overcome their problems and offer edification, comfort & encouragement and or prayer whenever I can. I am a very empathetic person so feel free to call me and share what's on your mind and heart. My ear is always ready to listen. (Just be respectful please :-) ) It is very easy for me to make new friends and the friends I have around the world from my travels prove just that! So chat me up! I am waiting for your call!

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    $1.00 per minute
    #christian #classical #jazz #salsa #gospel #Classic r&b #SINGING #voice lessons #world music #African music

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    #conversation #issues #encouragement #talk about problems #laughter #loneliness #depression #penpals #long distance friends #american friend

    $1.00 per minute
    #Japan #Germany #Canada #France #Italy #Spain #Europe #Cultures & people #Africa

    $1.00 per minute
    #american cuisine #caribbean cuisine #Asian cuisine #German cuisine #French Cuisine #Cooking lessons #Soul Food #favorite food #share recipes
Queens, New York, United States
English Native
Spanish, Castilian Near Native/ fluent
German Near Native/ fluent
French Proficient
Japanese Proficient
Italian Basic
Danish Basic
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