
Last updated: January 10, 2022
» 10 January 2022:

New: When a Cyber Friend is offline, Callers can now "Request to Talk" with him/her. As soon as they hit the button, found on the Cyber Friend's profile page, a notification is sent to the Cyber Friend. When the request is accepted, the Caller gets notified that his Cyber Friend is online and then they can start talking.

Update: All the Callers will now get notified when their Cyber Friends ( those who are following ) go inline.

Update: Cyber Friend's profile page is redesigned. No need to refresh the page to check the online status as it gets auto updated when the status is changed. Possible statuses: ONLINE, OFFLINE, TALKING.

Update: We removed all the tags from the search page. You can use the "Interests" page to find interests & hobbies tags.

» 6 January 2022:

We fixed a bug causing the pagination module on the search page to create all the boxes with the numbers of pages.

On the search page, all the tags under the search filters were previously styled in uppercase. Now all are styled normally to harmonize with the tags like in the other sections of the website.

» 19 December 2022:
Rent a Cyber Friend 2.0 is officially released!

We are glad to announce to you that Rent a Cyber Friend 2.0 is officially released!

Rent A Cyber Friend is a website that connects people across the world online through video calls. You can rent a cyberfriend or work as a Cyber Friend on our website.

We curated the feedbacks we got from users, customers and research to improve our product. Apart from the new, improved, sleek design (of course 😊 ), this version has modified certain features and also has new features on the Rent A Cyber Friend website.

If you have any questions - proposals about RACF, please contact us here.

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