Rosanna M.
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Rosanna M.


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I've been married 18 years to an older man. No kids. We live in Texas and I love to go kayaking, hiking, walking trails, and explore new places. I like to cook healthy foods and share my recipes. I'm a foodie and am always looking for a new restaurant to try - especially when we travel out of town. I love animals and foster dogs who need help getting adopted at our local animal shelter. I speak Spanish too. I live Spanish salsa, bachata, Reggaeton, pop. But I'm also a big 90's country music fan (Tracy Lawrence, Alan Jackson, Tim Mcgraw, George Strait- need I say more?) I also read the Bible, doing good for others and loving thy neighbor regardless of race or color.

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Fort Worth, Texas, United States
English Native
Spanish, Castilian Native
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