Aliazar  B.
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Aliazar B.


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I am a multifaceted individual driven by passion and curiosity. With a diverse range of interests and skills, thrives on exploring new avenues and making a positive impact in various domains. Born and raised in Punjab Pakistan i developed an early love for knowledge and learning. pursued education at Salvation Army High School, where I obtained a degree in Computer Science Throughout academic journey, i exhibited exceptional dedication, consistently pushing the boundaries of my capabilities. As a lifelong learner, I believes in the power of continuous growth. i remains committed to expanding my knowledge and skills through various means, including reading, attending workshops, and engaging in online courses. This dedication has allowed me to develop expertise in multiple fields, such as personal relationship, team leading, peace builder, Writer, Translator etc. Apart from my academic pursuits, I am known for my outstanding team building skills and peace building skills. With a keen interest in software engineering, I am actively sought opportunities to make a difference. I collaborated with CDF and Education and life foundation on various projects, leveraging expertise to solve complex problems and drive innovation. In addition to my professional endeavors I am a firm believer in giving back to the community. i actively volunteers with Christian Development organization, dedicating my time and skills to help others. I understands the significance of social responsibility and strives to create a positive impact wherever I goes. Outside of my work and volunteering, I enjoys [reading books watching movies chatting with friends and make new friends. In summary I am a passionate individual who embraces challenges, seeks knowledge, and strives to make a meaningful difference in the world. With a combination of expertise, dedication, and a compassionate spirit, I continues to inspire and positively influence those around me.

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Lahore, Pakistan
English Proficient
Urdu Native
Hindi Basic
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