Stephen D.
Online Offline Talking

Stephen D.


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Hey! I am a young adult, just moved out for the first time with my girlfriend. A few of my interests include TLOTR, David Gemmel books, D&D and video games (Feel free to get me into 40K or anything else cool). I also write poetry and have dabbled in fantasy writing. I am currently in post secondary for something boring that you don't want me to ramble about.

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    $0.15 per minute
    #Minecraft #Destiny 2 #Far cry 5 #Far cry primal #Assassins creed black flag #solitaire #Dungeons and Dragons #D&D #DnD

    $0.15 per minute
    #Moving out #Bills #Work #Job hunt #Nerd #Dungeons and Dragons #Creative Writing #poems
Calgary, Canada
English Native
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