Grace S.
Online Offline Talking

Grace S.


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I'm a compassionate, fun to be around individual who loves meeting different people from all walks of life. Being a natural empath, I'm able to really understand other people's difficulties at a very deep and "in your shoes" grasp. Listening is a supernatural strength of mine! Data Analyst by profession in love with all things crunching numbers and exploring the mysteries of data. I'm also a huge fan of superhero/scientific movies - I'm talking MCU, DC, LOTR, etc. So if you'd like to also express your disappointment on how Captain Marvel was a complete flop from the Marvel movie series or express a wish to have a movie about Thanos' life maybe ;) - make that call! ;)

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Grace S. is currently offline.
Durban, South Africa
English Native
Korean Proficient
Xhosa Native
Zulu Native
Sotho, Southern Basic
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