hello everybody i hope to be the best listener for you and i might help you if would...
أنا إسمي طه و عمري 18 عاما أنا أحب التحدث مع أشخاص لا أعرفهم و أن أكون صداقات جديدة و أ...
Live a life deserve the death
Iam funny and i like to hear from others
Hey everyone i’m mohamed from morocco and i’m teacher ??? i have 32 years old I...
I am open to talk about anything you think
English and Arabic
Welcome all ?
Life goes on anyway
Omar Boukrim, 25 years old, Moroccan. I study at the university and work at the same...
Exceptional and funny communicator in English
My experiences help me to solve some problems and how to deal with them and the way...
Hey there how are you doing, my name is moustapha elouali i am 31 years old duper...
I have it in height 1. 88
Hi my name is Amin my from is Morocco but I live in New Jersey I am 18 years old...