Samuel J.
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Samuel J.


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My name is Samuel popularly referred to as Sammie and my friends always love and trust me. I am committed to friendship and have a strong sense of loyalty to my friends. No matter how hard the times may be, I will always be there for them with an open ear and an open heart. I will listen intently, offer helpful advice, and provide unconditional support and affirmation during difficult moments. I make myself available to my friends, either physically or emotionally, if the time should arise. I understand that I must put my friend’s needs before my own at times. I am willing to sacrifice my own wants and needs if it means helping a friend. I also take the initiative to check in on them and remind them that I am only a phone call away. I am someone who will be a constant source of comfort and encouragement during tough times. I genuinely take an interest in their well-being and will always go the extra mile for a friend in need. I don’t judge them and always keep their secrets safe. Finally, I truly value all of my friendships. I make it a priority in my life to maintain strong relationships. When my friends know that I am there for them no matter what, they will always love and trust me.

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FCT Abuja, Nigeria
English Near Native/ fluent
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