Doron N.
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Doron N.


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Married father of three successful children (1 boy, 2 girls). I have a great sense of humor and use it to bring positivity and an upbeat perspective to those around me. Have worked in real estate most of my life....(for a developer in NYC, then as a Sr. V.P. for the real estate division of a bank, and then as a broker and developer on my own. I am a big NY sports fan (Yankees, Jets, Knicks and Islanders). I am well read, keep up on current events on a daily basis and am dedicated to the view that the world needs to move in a kindlier and gentler direction. I am extremely easy to chat with, generally give good advice and very relatable. I also love to read legal thrillers, biographies, and historical fiction. Big Ted Lasso fan, Jack Ryan and Shrinking to name a few.

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Port Washington, New York, United States
English Native
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